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Enter AG - Dirstat32 Download

Dirstat32 is a 32-bit C runtime application. This application is designed to get the statistics of a given directory, i.e. the size occupied by the files in that directory and the percentage utilization of the disk. Dirstat32 sorts the statistics in descending order with respect to the size used by the files.

You can make use of these sorted statistics to find out the files or directories that are occupying most of the disk-space and thus manage your disk-space accordingly. When you get the statistics of a directory, Dirstat32 recurs through the subdirectories of the given directory and gives you the consolidated statistics of all the directories and files in the given directory.

Dirstat32 is available for both Windows and Linux; and the Source Code is also available.

Windows version:

Prerequisites: Windows NT/2000 on Intel

Download Dirstat32 Version 1.1 (138KB): dirstatws.exe (self-extracting zip file)

After you've downloaded the file dirstatws.exe to your working folder, open the Windows explorer and go to the folder where you have the dirstatws.exe. Double-click on the dirstatws.exe file icon to extract the executable file dirstat.exe and the readme_ws.txt file. Please read the readme_ws.txt file before using Dirstat32.

Linux version:

Prerequisites: Linux with glibc2.3.3 library on Intel

Download Dirstat32 Version 1.1 (12KB): dirstatlx.zip

After you've downloaded the file dirstatlx.zip to your working folder, you can unzip this file by typing 'unzip dirstatlx.zip' on the shell ($) prompt. Now you'll have the executable file dirstat and the readme_lx.txt file. Please read the readme_lx.txt file before using Dirstat32.


The source code for Dirstat32, with the Makefile for Linux, is also available for the interested developers.

You need Adobe Acrobat Reader (FREE) to read the documentation

Prerequisites for Windows:

1. Microsoft Windows NT/2000/XP - for running the application,

2. Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 - for building and executing the source files.

After you've downloaded the file dirstatsrc.exe to your working folder, open the Windows Explorer and go to the folder where you have the dirstatsrc.exe. Double-click on the dirstatsrc.exe file icon to extract the C source files, the header file dirlist.h, the dirstat document files (PDF), the Makefile (for Linux) and the readme_src.txt. Please read the readme_src.txt to use the source files.

Prerequisites for Linux:

GNU C Compiler.

After you've downloaded the file dirstatsrc.exe to your working folder, you can unzip this file by typing 'unzip dirstatsrc.exe' on the shell ($) prompt. Now you will have the C source files, the header file dirlist.h, the dirstat document files, the Makefile and the readme_src.txt. Please read the readme_src.txt to use the source files.

Download the source code of Dirstat32 Version 1.1 (124KB): dirstatsrc.exe (self-extracting)


Enter AG, Zurich, Switzerland, makes no warranties, expressed or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with any use of the Dirstat32.